Member-only story
Not Medium — Awesome!
I have just had one of the most pointless and frustrating thirty minutes of my life!
Right up there with train delays, only to find out that the train is cancelled. Or typing into a laptop when you have dodgy wifi, and the letters all end up in the wrong order. Not quite as frustrating as losing all of your work because it didn't autosave, though!
But before I tell you about it I’m going to explain how claps work. If you're a Medium member (you pay your $5 a month) you already know this so can skip ahead to the next paragraph. People who use the free version of Medium are only allowed one clap per story. So it’s binary — I enjoyed that or I didn’t. People who pay the $5 are allowed up to 50 claps per story. 0 claps suggest that you didn’t enjoy it, 50 claps, that it was amazing.
I write on Medium, as you know, as well as the occasional magazine article and fiction writing. I enjoy all of the writing that I do. I don’t enjoy the marketing that goes with the job — but it’s no good writing amazing things if no one gets to read them! Like most writers, I spend as much time advertising as I do writing.
A few months ago I joined a Facebook group designed to help writers on Medium. We provide support and encouragement to each other as well as giving each other practical advice and inspiration. The other part of the group is a daily…